Traffic Citation

Traffic Citations Lawyer Serving San Antonio, TX

Common questions that the Law Office of J. Fernando Treviño, P.C. receives are: What is a traffic citation? Is there a difference between a traffic citation and a traffic ticket? To answer your questions,  let's start with defining what a traffic citation is. A traffic citation is a summons issued by law enforcement informing someone that they have broken traffic laws. Traffic laws can sometimes differ by state. Traffic tickets and citations are the same type of document, they charge you with traffic violation. Citations can accuse you of things like speeding, driving through a red light, and more. 

If you have been issued a traffic citation by law enforcement in the San Antonio, TX area, contact our team at the Law Office of J. Fernando Treviño, P.C. We will assess your citation and if you are eligible for a traffic ticket dismissal, we will work with you towards that. 
Traffic Citation San Antonio, TX

Contact Our Traffic Citation Lawyers Today

Receiving a traffic citation can be daunting. Not knowing if you truly deserved the citation can make it worse. If you have received a traffic citation within San Antonio, TX, don't hesitate to contact the Law Office of J. Fernando Treviño, P.C. today. 

You can rely on our team of experienced traffic citation attorneys to remain by your side throughout each phase of the legal process. Our traffic violations lawyer will take the time to assess your situation before working to achieve traffic ticket dismissal. All you have to do is schedule a preliminary consultation. Sit down with San Antonio's trusted traffic ticket attorney today to jumpstart the legal process and get your traffic citation addressed. Contact us today!
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